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Hi, my name is Verner.

I was born in 1949 in downtown Copenhagen.
At the age of 11-12 I had my first experience with radio communication when I saw a Danish feature film about a telegraphist at sea. I decided then that I wanted to be a telegraphist when I grew up.
Now, things don’t always go as the preacher says. I learned the art of CW and got my 25 WPM Morse certificate in the military, which is roughly equivalent to a 1st class civilian certificate, but without radio geography and emergency procedures ect. But I never got it converted to a civilian certificate, but instead I became a telecommunications technician, which was my job for more than 35 years until my retirement in 2009, the last 5 years as freelancer.
I first started as SWL, OZ-DR1651, in 1971 and at the same time I joined the “Expermimenterende Danske Radioamatører” (E.D.R.), which is the
Danish association of radio amateurs.
I was in the military for 4 years and shortly after my discharge from the military, I missed “playing with the key”, so I applied for a radio amateur license.
This was granted to me on May 21, 1973 with the call sign OZ9XU.

I was QRV for a few years, but was challenged by BCI/TVI, as I lived in an apartment building. At that time, radio and TV broadcasts were terrestrial and analog.
So there was not much activity at that time, but it got better when I moved into my own house. Unfortunately, there were “other disturbing elements”, such as house and garden maintenance, work and family, which required my attention, so still not much activity.
I was QRT from the summer of 1991 to the spring of 2011, with the exception of 13 QSOs in 1997.
After being QRT for 20 years, often referred to as “The big black hole of my life”, I am now QRV again.
From May 16, 2011 I was QRV from my former QTH in South Zealand (Lundby) and have been regularly QRV from that QTH until April 26, 2016 when
I moved my station to my holiday home in Tejn on the Island of Bornholm and have been QRV from this QTH when I was on the Island.
I moved permanently to Bornholm on June 23, 2017 and have been regularly QRV from this QTH since.
The fluttering flag are the regional flag of Bornholm.

The activity.
I work on all the amateur radio bands available on my radio, (6m to 160m), including the WARC and 60m bands. Currently I do not have antenna for the 160m band.
Almost all QSOs are made in CW and only a few in SSB, mostly with other Danish SSB stations.
All CW QSOs are made with “Genuine CW”, which is generated manually with a hand-operated key, bug or paddle, received and decoded using my ears, brain, skills, paper and pencil.
No need for a computer, I want to have fun.
My main interest is the communication, mainly DX’ing, but also local EU QSOs from time to time. Unfortunately, radio engineering and DIY are in the small stuff department due to my poor eyesight.
My computer is only for looking up databases, logging QSOs and firmware updates and will never be part of the radio communication.
V/U/SHF bands (except 6m CW) and contests are not of interest to me.
I got my additional callsigns 5P5Q on September 4, 2013 and OV5O on March 15, 2014.
The future.
My goal was to achieve 5-band DXCC and Challenge and WAZ with all of my 3 callsigns.
On December 16, 2023, I managed to get the 100 countries on the last band with the callsign 5P5Q.
With this, my goal is fulfilled. I now have 5-band DXCC with endorsements on 30m, 17m, and 12m, as well as Challenge and WAZ in CW mode with each of my callsigns, OZ9XU, OV5O and 5P5Q.
Unfortunately, this also means that I will reduce the use of the callsign 5P5Q in CW mode. The reason is that some stations cannot distinguish between S, H and 5 in Morse code.
However, I will still be active with 5P5Q in CW, but possibly also other modes such as RTTY and PSKxx. The possibility is also to use it in my Danish SSB QSOs instead of OZ9XU. The future will tell.
FT4/FT8 will never be an option, partly because it’s my hobby and not my computer’s, and partly because I want to communicate and work QSOs and not just get a ping.
I will of course be active in CW mode mostly with OZ9XU and OV5O

TEJN, a small town located on the northeast coast of Bornholm Island.
Bornholm Island is located in the Baltic Sea between the south coast of Sweden (SM) and the north coast of Poland (SP).
IOTA: EU-030, Bornholm.
ELEVATION: 7 meters ASL and about 30 meters from the coast.
ZONES: CQ 14 and ITU 18.
I support DX Code of Conduct.
As everybody should do. If everybody follow the conduct everything works “well-oiled”.
Click on the logo to read more about DX Code of Conduct (opens in a new tab).

Previously QTHs
1973-1975: | Copenhagen, Locator JO65gp, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 13 meters ASL. |
1975-1979: | Ballerup (near Copenhagen), Locator JO65er, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 25 meters ASL. |
1979-1994: | Copenhagen, Locator JO65fq, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 13 meters ASL. |
1994-2016: | Lundby (near Vordingborg), Locator JO55wc, IOTA EU-029, Sjaelland, 15 meters ASL. |
73 and CU on the bands!