OZ9XU – 5P5Q – OV5O

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Hi, my name is Verner.

Flag of Bornholm


I was born in Copenhagen in 1949.

At an age of 11 or 12 I had my first experience with radio communication when I saw a Danish movie about a wireless operator at sea. I then decided to be a wireless operator when I grew up.

Well, now it’s not always as the pastor preaches. I learned the CW and got the 25 WPM Morse certificate in the military, which is equal to the 1st class civil certificate, but without radio geography etc.
But never got it converted to civil certificate. Instead I became a telecom technician, which was my employment for more than 30 years until my retirement.

I first started as SWL, OZ-DR1651, in 1971. At the same time, I joined “Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører”, the Danish association of Radio Amateurs, E.D.R.
Shortly after the discharge from the military, I missed “to play the key”, so I applied for an amateur radio license.

This was issued May 21, 1973 (OZ9XU).

I was QRV for some years, but was challenged by BCI/TVI as I lived in an apartment block. At that time, all radio broadcast and TV was terrestrial and analogue.

There was not much activity at the time, but it was better when I moved in own house. Unfortunately, there was “other disturbing elements”, among other things work and family, which required my attention.

I was QRT from the summer of 1991 to the spring of 2011, except from 13 QSO’s in 1997.

After these 20 years of QRT, often referenced as “The big black hole in my life”, I’m now QRV again.

The activity.

I work on all bands accessible on my radio (6m through 160m), including WARC and 60m bands.

Almost every QSO is made in CW, only few in SSB, mostly in danish QSO-parties.

ALL CW QSO’s are made with genuine CW, that is with a manually hand operated key, bug or paddle, received and decoded using my ears, brain, skills and paper/pencil.
No need for computer, I want to have fun.

My main interest is the communication, mainly CW DXing, but also local EU QSO’s now and then. The radio technique is limited to “small-scale” projects due to my bad eyes.

My computer is for database lookups, logging and firmware updates only and will not be a part of any radio communication whatsoever.

V/U/SHF bands (except 6m CW) and contests do not have my interest.

I don’t use any kind of WEB-SDR or remote equipment.

Every QSO’s made in the past has been done with my transceivers, antennas AND operator installed on my QTH’s and every QSO’s in the future will be produced in the same way.
No cheating here.

I got my additional call signs 5P5Q on September 4, 2013 and OV5O on March 15, 2014.

The future.

My goal was 5 band DXCC and Challenge with all of my 3 call signs.

On December 16, 2023 it finally succeeded in getting QSL from 100 countries on the 80m band with 5P5Q, which of course gives reason to apply for the DXCC diploma for this band.
Furthermore, it was also the last band to achieve 5 band DXCC (plus 12m, 17m and 30m as endorsements).
This milestone was thus the fulfillment of my goal of 5 Band DXCC and Challenge award in CW mode with all of my 3 call signs.

Unfortunately, this also means that I now limit the use of the call sign 5P5Q in CW mode. The reason is that some stations have difficulty distinguishing between S, H and 5 in Morse code.

What I will then use the call sign for is an open question, probably I will use it in my domestic SSB QSOs or maybe RTTY.

However, 5P5Q will still be used in CW mode in special situations or if I am missing a country.


TEJN, a small town located on the North-East coast of Bornholm Island.
The Island of Bornholm are located in the Baltic Sea, just between the South coast of Sweden (SM) and the North coast of Poland (SP).


IOTA: EU-030, Bornholm.

ELEVATION: 7 meters above sea level and about 35 meters from the coast. 

ZONES: CQ 14, ITU 18

Previously QTHs.

1973 – 1975:   Copenhagen, JO65GP, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 13 meters ASL.

1975 – 1979:   Ballerup (nr. Copenhagen), JO65ER, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 25 meters ASL.

1979 – 1994:   Copenhagen, JO65FQ, IOTA EU-029 Sjaelland, 13 meters ASL.

1994 – 2016:   Lundby, JO55WC, IOTA EU-029, Sjaelland, 15 meters ASL.


73 and CU on the bands.

The fluttering flag at the top is Bornholmerflaget (Bornholm Island regional flag). Drawing and animation by OZ9XU.