Last updated December 19, 2024.
Last delivery to the OZ- QSL bureau: November 21, 2024
Next panned delivery: January or April 2025.
Dear radio-friends.
Effective from April 2, 2018, I have changed my policy about paper QSLs.
All previous QSO worked before April 3, 2018 is exempt and QSL cards for these are sent to those who may wish.
The policy is:
I will use LoTW as my primary QSL system. |
I do not need your paper QSL card IF our QSO is uploaded to/confirmed on LoTW, but received with pleasure anyway. |
If you really need my paper QSL, please use Clublog OQRS (See the “ClubLog OQRS page). It will currently be possible to choose between delivery via bureau or directly by mail. Bureau delivery is free, but keep in mind it can be very slow (½ to 2 years). OQRS directly by mail, the fee to cover postage is 8 USD, payment via PayPal. If you are unable to use the OQRS system, send your QSL card via bureau OR send me your QSL card directly to my QRZ.COM address, including 8 USD. A SAE would be nice too and shall be minimum size C6/162 x 114 mm (6.5 x 4.5 inch.). PLEASE NO IRC’s, as I can’t use them in Denmark anymore. |
SWLs can use the bureau, direct mail (8 USD) and eQSL. 100% reply, if the report is a QSO. |
Regardless the above. I will always reply any QSL I receive, regardless of the delivery method. |
My log(s) will usally be uploaded to LoTW, eQSL and QRZ.COM on daily basis, at the end of the daily activity.
Upload to Clublog logbooks are done automatically when the QSO are logged.
QRP stations are logged with call sign only without /QRP, just as I don’t log QRO stations as <call>/QRO.
/QRP are like eg. /LH NOT a part of your call sign.
If your account at eQSL and/or LoTW are signed with <yourcall>/QRP only, you will NOT receive any QSL.
Direct QSLs (mail or OQRS) will be answered within a weeks time.
Bureau QSL cards are send to EDR QSL bureau every 3rd month (January, April, July and October) OR when I have at least 100 cards to send.
So why now these changes?
There are many reasons, here is a few:
- My stock of professionally printed QSL card are at zero level.
- Preserve the forests and save the resources.
- LoTW is easy, cheap, fast and reliable.
My new QSL cards will be homemade and printed out on A6 cardboard, but I don’t send QSL for every QSO.
You have to ask for QSL cards in the QSO or send your own QSL to me (bureau/direct) or use the Clublog OQRS (Bureau free, Direct 8 US$ via Paypal).
Postage prices in Denmark:
From January 1, 2024 the postage is DKK 50.00 for a standard letter (max. 100g) to any country Worldwide.
At today’s exchange rate it is around 8.00 USD.
This means, unfortunately, that I am compelled to require 8 USD (greenstamps) enclosed with your QSL as return postage for direct QSL.
As of JULY 1st, 2017 the Danish Post has discontinued ALL sales and redemptions of IRCs.
So please, NO IRC’s, I can’t use them.
If your letter contains IRC or less than 8 USD, I’m forced to reply via the bureau.
I can only recommend that all radio amateurs join Logbook of The World (LoTW).
It is free to be registered at LoTW, only one time expense is for the postage for the letter to ARRL containing a copy of your license certificate and the ongoing cost of your Internet connection.
From August 2022 I will show some drawings on my QSL cards from my beautiful island, Bornholm

Hammershus Castle Ruin
The castle was built in the twelfth century and functioned as a fortress and prison until 1743 when the castle was abandoned and used as a quarry.
In 1822, the castle ruin were protected.
Hammershus is visited annually by approx. 400,000 guests. Apart from the car park, access to the ruin is free.
Hammershus is Northern Europe’s largest castle ruin and the best known tourist attraction on Bornholm.
Drawing by OZ9XU.

St. Ols Church
St. Ols (St. Olav) church is located just outside the village of Olsker, approx. 4 km southwest of Allinge town.
Olsker is old Bornholm dialect an mean: “The town at Ols Church”.
It is the narrowest, but highest (28 m) of the four round churches on Bornholm and was built in the eleventh century.
The church has also functioned as a refuge in case of attack (portholes in the upper gallery, just under the roof).
It is my parish church.
Drawing by OZ9XU.

Østerlars Church
Østerlars church is located just outside the village of Østerlars, not far from Gudhjem town.
It is the largest of the four round churches on Bornholm and was built in the eleventh century.
The church has also functioned as a refuge in case of attack (portholes in the upper gallery, just under the roof).
Drawing by OZ9XU.

Nylars Church
Nylars church is located in the village of Nylars, approx. 5 km southeast of Rønne. (Rønne is the main town on Bornholm).
It is the second largest of the four round churches on Bornholm and was built in the eleventh century.
The church has also functioned as a refuge in case of attack (portholes in the upper gallery, just under the roof).
The church is dedicated to St. Nikolaus, who was the patron saint of sailors.
Drawing by OZ9XU.

Ny Church
Ny Church is located in the village of Nyker, approx. 5 km northeast of Rønne. (Rønne is the main town on Bornholm).
Nyker is old Bornholm dialect an mean: “The town at Ny Church”.
It is the smallest and youngest of the four round churches on Bornholm and was built in the twelfth century.
This church did not function as a refuge (there are no portholes in the upper gallery).
Drawing by OZ9XU.

The DX’ers Dream
This is not a motif from Bornholm, but one of the most famous drawings within the ham radio world.
The drawing was made many years ago by Bob, K2JHW (sk).
Sorry, but the drawing I have is missing the speech bubbles.
My previously used QSL cards.

My first QSL card from my QTH in Valby (Copenhagen)
Used 1973 – 1974.
Locator: JO65gp
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland

My second QSL card from my QTH in Valby (Copenhagen).
Used 1974-1975
Locator JO65gp
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland

My QSL card from my QTH in Ballerup (nr. Copenhagen).
Used 1975 – 1991.
Locator: JO65er
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland
Have also been used from my QTH in Copenhagen, locator JO65fq, IOTA EU-029, Sjælland.

My first and homemade QSL card from my QTH i Lundby in the South Zealand area (90 km southwest of Copenhagen).
Was used shortly i 2011
Locator JO55wc
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland.

My second QSL card from my QTH in Lundby.
Used 2011 – 2013.
Locator JO55wc
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland.

When I got my first additional call sign, I had to print a new QSL card. Used from my QTH i Lundby and the last about 1000 cards from my present QTH .
Used 2013 – 2018.
Locator JO55wc
IOTA: EU-029, Sjælland.
When used with my second additional call sign OV5O, a label was added.
Other testing designs may have been used shortly from 2011 onwards.